Trial Hike: Learning From Mistakes
18 July, 2022
A new tent and some rookie mistakes in bad weather.
Planning for long hikes when your pancreas doesn't work
6 July, 2022
Hiking with Type 1 diabetes means having to carry a bunch of additional equipment and putting additional precautions in place. For day hikes or section hikes, this is normally pretty straightforward – insulin pens, a few spare vials of insulin, a blood glucose meter and some contingency food in case of a low blood sugar […]
Trial Hike: Walk the Yorke
28 June, 2022
Another test hike, this time through the spectacular Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park.
Join us on the trail!
10 May, 2022
It's going to be a long and lonely journey, we would love to see friends and family out there.
Trial Hike: Mt Crawford
24 April, 2022
A last minute hike and camp at Mt Crawford to test out planning and gear.