Join us on the trail!

It's going to be a long and lonely journey, we would love to see friends and family out there. In addition to the contact, we'll be grateful to eat something other than dehydrated meals, have the opportunity for emergency resupply and maybe enjoy a sneaky glass of wine!
If you're interested, start by looking at our latest Itinerary. It has our indicative locations by dates and we aim to try and keep it up to date when we have connectivity.
Then post a comment below on when and where you'd like to meet, and whether you'd like to walk with us, camp, or just catch up.
Note that some of the sites have limited capacity and need to be booked in advance, we want to keep this centralised so no one misses out!
Hi Simeon.
When I can find your planned itinerary, I will most definitely look to walk a few more of the stages with you and David.
I have walked some 10 stages from the start at Rapid Bay so keen to cover more of the trail.