Blog Landing Page
7 April, 2024
Last updated :
8 April, 2024
Simeon Finch
I've been meaning to make a landing page for our Heysen Trail blog posts to try make it easier to navigate. Here's a chronological list from each of us, enjoy!
Heysen Trail Posts by Dave
Fundraising for Diabetes SAby David ScotlandI always enjoy the moment with things that are still some way off in the future where you think to yourself “this is starting to get real”. We’re now a little over two months away from our start date of 31 July 2022 and its surprising how quickly time seems to be moving. With the… Read more: Fundraising for Diabetes SA
Planning for long hikes when your pancreas doesn't workby David ScotlandHiking with Type 1 diabetes means having to carry a bunch of additional equipment and putting additional precautions in place. For day hikes or section hikes, this is normally pretty straightforward – insulin pens, a few spare vials of insulin, a blood glucose meter and some contingency food in case of a low blood sugar… Read more: Planning for long hikes when your pancreas doesn't work
Section 1: “If you don’t keep your feet there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to”by David ScotlandSo first up a disclaimer - it’s been something of a battle getting started. I contracted covid two weeks before we were about to set off which threw a spanner into the works for planning, training and general readiness. Nonetheless I managed to assemble resupply boxes, get my pack together and was ready for the… Read more: Section 1: “If you don’t keep your feet there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to”
Section 2: “You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes”.by David ScotlandSection 2 from Hawker to Quorn has been equal parts challenging and stunning. We have spent the last five days in some truly wild places, traversing narrow and rocky creek beds, spectacular gorges, stony plains and wind swept ridge tops. Our days have taken on a rhythm of eating, hiking and sleeping. We are covering… Read more: Section 2: “You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes”.
Section 3: Six Impossible Things Before Breakfastby David ScotlandThe trek from Quorn to Crystal Brook has been difficult, beautiful and graced by kindness, support and the benefits of excellent postal service. The seven days it has taken have felt closer to a fortnight with the first three days involving big climbs up and down Mount Brown and Mount Remarkable while also seeing us… Read more: Section 3: Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast
Section 4: Not Giants but Windmillsby David ScotlandI’ve spent a lot of time over this section thinking about Don Quixote. This is partly because we walked under the massive blades of wind turbines outside of Hallett, providing a convenient literary parallel; and partly because I’m tickled by the quixotic nature of what we’re doing. Following the trail means rejecting logic. We will… Read more: Section 4: Not Giants but Windmills
Section 5: Green Line Feverby David ScotlandIt’s been a weird section. Long tracts of paddock and back road contrasted with narrow easements of preserved nature corridors and the occasional conservation park before finally arriving in the Barossa. While it hasn’t been a ’hard’ section, it has felt long. A section to get done rather than to take in, though it hasn’t… Read more: Section 5: Green Line Fever
Heysen Trail Posts by Sim
Trial Hike: Mt Crawfordby Simeon FinchA last minute hike and camp at Mt Crawford to test out planning and gear.
Trial Hike: Walk the Yorkeby Simeon FinchAnother test hike, this time through the spectacular Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park.
Trial Hike: Learning From Mistakesby Simeon FinchA new tent and some rookie mistakes in bad weather.
Prelude: This Is Why You Should Walkby Simeon FinchFinal preparations and a serious car accident
Section 1: The Wild Westby Simeon FinchParachilna trailhead to Hawker
Section 2: Becoming Wilderpeopleby Simeon FinchHawker to Quorn, 5 days in the wild
Section 3: Every Day Is Leg Dayby Simeon FinchQuorn to Crystal Brook featuring a bunch of mountains
Section 4: We Get By With a Little Help From Our Friendsby Simeon FinchCrystal Brook to Burra with some wild weather and a few disasters
Section 5: The In-Between Placesby Simeon FinchBurra to Tanunda, getting back to bigger towns and wine country
Section 6: Homecomingby Simeon FinchTanunda to Myponga, back to familiarity!
Section 7: The Wild South Coastby Simeon FinchBack on the coast to the finish line
Posts about Tech
Building the websiteby Simeon FinchIt begins! Initial site development on Azure App Services.
Building the website pt 2by Simeon FinchA proper domain, Cloudflare and Gmail integration
Blog Landing Pageby Simeon FinchAll blog entries, chronologically
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